UncategorizedJason rides an Origin-8 Del Pasado fixed gear bicyclephotographed at North 7th St. and Kent Ave., Brooklynen route to the Ride Brooklyn bike shop Standard
UncategorizedWill rides an SE Draft Lite fixed gear bicyclephotographed at 5th Ave. and 25th St., Manhattanduring his lunch break Standard
UncategorizedBrandon rides a Volume Cutter v3 with a Brooklyn Machine Works Clusterforkphotographed on Beekman St., Manhattanbefore the start of the Monster Track alleycat Standard
UncategorizedSuphasa rides a Dodici Special fixed gearphotographed on Beekman St., Manhattanbefore going to her checkpoint location at Monster Track Standard
UncategorizedDavid rides a Bianchi Superpista fixed gearphotographed on Beekman St., Manhattanshortly before the start of Monster Track Standard
UncategorizedNeena rides a Fuji Feather fixed gearphotographed at base of Manhattan Bridge, Manhattanen route to meet friends at the Chrome store Standard
UncategorizedBrittney rides a Cinelli Gazzetta fixed gearphotographed on Beekman St., Manhattanwaiting for the start of Monster Track Standard