Ilona rides a Chappelli 3-speed bicyclephotographed at W. 11th St. and Greenwich Ave., Manhattangoing to The Spotted Pig for a negroni Standard
Nelson rides a Fuji Classic fixed gear bikephotographed at Greenpoint Ave. and Franklin St., Brooklyngoing for a slice of pizza on the way to practice with his band, Los Finks Standard
Nelson (a.k.a. “El Gallo”) rides a 1962 Schwinn Jaguarphotographed at Harman St. and Irving Ave., Brooklynhanging out at the Puerto Rico Schwinn Club headquarters Standard
Chad rides an MSC Track Pro fixed gear bicycle handpainted by Kimon Dicksonphotographed at Mott St. and Grand St., Manhattangoing to get dumplings Standard
Ashley rides a 6-speed Biria City Bikephotographed at Christopher St. and West St., Manhattangoing home for a photo shoot in Chelsea Standard
Lotte rides a Raleigh Grand Prix 12-speed bikephotographed at Clinton Ave. and Flushing Ave., Brooklyngoing to take a ride over the Brooklyn Bridge Standard
Flinder Rides a Citi BikePhotographed at Jay St. and Concord St., BrooklynGoing home from work Standard