
Red Hook Crit

I had grand plans to cover yesterday's Red Hook Criterium like I did at last summer's Navy Yard event, but the downpour that soaked the day's events sent me packing early toward a glorious pulled pork sandwich and a couple of beers at a nearby bar. The parts that I did watch were thrilling. Here's one of my faviorte from maybe a dozen shots taken during a stroll through the Cruise Ship Terminal, where riders and fans gathered to stay dry.

I had grand plans to cover yesterday’s Red Hook Criterium like I did at last summer’s Navy Yard event,  or at this year’s Monster Track, but the downpour that soaked the day’s events sent me packing early, toward a glorious pulled pork sandwich and a couple of beers at a nearby bar. The parts that I did watch were thrilling. Here’s one of my favorites from around a dozen shots taken during a stroll through the Cruise Ship Terminal, where racers and fans gathered to stay dry.



Hey everyone, on a serious note, this portrait is of Josh Hartman, who I just found out crashed very badly during the first qualifying session of the Red Hook Crit not long after this photo was taken. I’ll let the fundraising page fill you in on the details, but needless to say it was bad and recovery will take a lot of time and money for surgeries and such. Please consider going here to find out how you can help. I was immediately struck by the focus of this 15-year-old who was very kind to let me snap a photo of him while he sat quietly by himself, getting ready for the race. I hope he gets well soon.

