Devan rides an unbranded single-speed bicycle (from Craigslist)photographed at Grand Army Plaza, Brooklynwaiting to meet up with friends Standard
Brandon rides a Volume Cutter v3 with a Brooklyn Machine Works Clusterforkphotographed on Beekman St., Manhattanbefore the start of the Monster Track alleycat Standard
Siobhan and Freya rides an Austro-Daimler Puch 10-speed bicyclephotographed at Dean St. and Grand Ave., Brooklynen route to Prospect Park Standard
Elizabeth rides a Swobo Del Norte single speed bikephotographed at Grand Army Plaza, Brooklynen route to get ice cream at Ample Hills Creamery Standard
David rides a Bianchi Superpista fixed gearphotographed on Beekman St., Manhattanshortly before the start of Monster Track Standard
Neena rides a Fuji Feather fixed gearphotographed at base of Manhattan Bridge, Manhattanen route to meet friends at the Chrome store Standard