
My name is Sam Polcer and I’m a photographer and a cyclist. You can find out more about what I do when I’m not chasing stylish cyclists down here.

One thing about these photos: You might notice that many of the subjects aren’t wearing helmets. Whenever possible, I ask for helmets to be removed, because almost everyone looks better without one, sorry. If that wasn’t the case, we’d be wearing helmets all the time. Apparently helmets are a controversial topic. Me, I think that people should be allowed to do what they want, but I choose to wear one when I ride in New York because I want to preserve what common sense I do have. The road is hard and our brains are soft.

In any case, I hope you enjoy looking at these portraits as much as I like taking them.

41 thoughts on “About

  1. Hello from Spain!

    We love your photos. So we’ve decided to share your work in our blog. Don’t worry, we just added a link to your site.

    • SP says:

      Yeah, it’s a tricky one.

      At the moment Preferred Mode doesn’t have an Instagram account, but that may change soon. For now I can be followed at @polcer, but I haven’t been putting the portraits there.

  2. Evgeny says:

    Hello from sunny Israel!
    Your pictures are amazing! My friend has a bike-blog and I would love him to share your project there! Of course, we will add the link!

    Amazing project! Thanks!

    • SP says:

      Thanks very much, I’m glad you like the pictures. I’d love it if your friend shared the site. Thanks so much!

  3. Gary St. Clare says:

    Love the Photo of Virginie, the BEST!
    Yes Helmets are a bit of a pain to bike with and they
    hide so much of the beauty and charm of the person riding the bike.
    Beautiful Picture!

  4. Hi Sam,
    It’s been really lovely to come across your blog, I love to see the sheer style of normal people going about their daily businesses on their bikes! You capture such a range of personalities too, both bikes and people! Also I love the settings and lighting in your photos! Keep up the fab work! Thankyou!

  5. Hi Sam! I have been following this blog and love your work on this and your other site. I am part of a Lady’s Cycling group in Tacoma, WA and would love to share some of your photos at an event we’re having this weekend to help ladies find a bike that’s right for them and learn about different types and styles of bikes.
    Thanks for your work sharing these photos of happy people with their bikes!

  6. Sam: I think what you are doing here is absolutely amazing. I can appreciate this site on so many levels. As a photographer myself, I really love the pictures. As a certifiable bicycle freak, I love the pictures even more! What camera do you use? Also, which magazine do you work for if you don’t mind…

  7. Ha, here I was enjoying these pics, reminiscing about being a biker in NYC, when I realize that this is my dear old friend Sam. Great work buddy! From my vantage point in Flagstaff, AZ, I can truly see how immense the city is, I haven’t recognized a single biker yet. But, I’ll keep trying:)

  8. I just love how your portraits are able to effortlessly convey so much emotions with such simplicity. Though how I wish we could get a little more backstory with each photo. But then again, less is more. Keep up the great work!

    Manila, Philippines

  9. Hey Sam,

    a wonderful, visual stunning project! We just shared your project on our online magazine diefuenfsinne.com. Of course with credits and link to your profile!

    Seems your pictures go around the world – since we are from Germany!

    Keep it up!

  10. Hello from Taiwan!

    I just love what you do for the bikers in NYC ! All the pics make me wanna go there and join them one day!
    If it’s allowed, I want to share your project on our website and I’ll add a link to yours.

    This is so cool so great, keep it up!

  11. Hi Sam,
    Just bought a copy of the book.
    Great project very well executed.
    Very nice to see the different bike styles combined with the different individuals.
    Love the way they pose.
    Looking forward to your future work.

  12. Hi Sam,

    I’m really happy to have discovered your work through the Redbeard Bikes site!

    I’m working with the guys in the UK behind https://bikmoplus.com to launch a similar cycling insurance product here in NYC, then expanding throughout the US. We’re just getting into gear and will be needing to work with a photographer to help us with NYC-specific content. Would love to discuss this with you if you might be interested.

    Please let me know, thanks!


  13. Hi Sam,

    Love your work! The best I’ve seen yet.

    I’m starting a cycling clothing company in Ireland and while I’m getting my act together, I was wondering if I could use some of your photos on my blog? All photos will be linked and credited!

  14. Dou says:

    Hello, Sam!
    This is a greeting from China! I am an university student and I have always had great passion on fashion and stylish photographs. Thus, I really love your photos!
    These days, my friend and I are planning to open our public “twitter” in a Chinese social network named “sina microblog”. It is just like Facebook or Twitter, but it is slightly different. We wonder that if you could let us share your photos(under the circumstances that you let us do that) and of course we will always tag your website whenever we use any resource from your website.
    Please let me know whether I can do that or not. If it is not okay, I totally understand that. Thank you very much!


  15. Drew says:

    Sam, are you shutting down the blog for a while? It would truly be a shame. This is a great corner of the internet for lovers of bike style, and your portraits carry so much depth of person. Please tell me you’ll post soon?

    • SP says:

      Drew! Thanks so much for the lovely compliment. No, I have no plans to shut this down, but as you’ve noticed, there’s been a bit a of a break in the action. I have a couple shots I’ve been meaning to post, and I always have plans to shoot more… I guess my position at Bike New York as well as freelance photo assignments have taken priority. But I’ll get on it as soon as I can, and it’s nice to know folks like you are interested!

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